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Un utilisateur avec 3 modifications. Compte créé le 29 pereaksat 2020.
7 balemeaksat 2023
- 01:377 balemeaksat 2023 à 01:37 amid- izvot +7 b Yaksyatol (Galago) (GR) Duplicate: File:Vergleichende Naturbeschreibung der Säugethiere (18467526936).jpg → File:Vergleichende Naturbeschreibung der Säugethiere (Pl. IX) BHL47498167.jpg Exact or scaled-down duplicate: c::File:Vergleichende Naturbeschreibung der Säugethiere (Pl. IX) BHL47498167.jpg noelaf
5 santaneaksat 2022
- 23:485 santaneaksat 2022 à 23:48 amid- izvot 0 b Hamina (GR) File renamed: File:Haminan työväentalo.JPG → File:Hamina People's House.jpg Criterion 4 (harmonizing names of file set) · These pictures have been relocated into the category "People's Houses in Hamina", so this name is more accurate noelaf
1 lerdeaksat 2020
- 20:001 lerdeaksat 2020 à 20:00 amid- izvot −1 b Pacifika Welfa (GR) File renamed: File:Map of the Pacific region (сurrents).svg → File:Map of the Pacific region (currents).svg Criterion 6 (maintenance or bug fix) · Исправление смешения кириллических и латинских символов