Delt va Duvaucey W-ya ~ Portrait de Madame Duvaucey (FR)
Delt va Duvaucey W-ya ( francavon Portrait de Madame Duvaucey ) tir trutca tollumafa gu 71 × 56 cm-, i puntalingeks keve stama skuyun gan Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingresfrancaf lingesik bak 1807. Koe Condé tcilaxe koe Chantilly koe Franca re tigir.
Trutca va Antonia Duvaucey de Nittis kaatoer, i va fertik ke francaf permik koe Roma.
Tir taneaf ayikyaf delt ke Ingres lingeyen bak jonvielera koe Roma. Delt bak Bontay ke 1833 zo wonayar. Ingres va ksudaks bam skuyur. Koe Bonnat-Helleu tcilaxe ke Bayonne re tigir.
Bat trutca lusteyena ika 500 franc talolk az pasuyuna kali 1847 gan tezanik az urlickeyena gan Frédéric Reiset, mali 1879 dene tcila ke Condé tcilaxe ke Chantilly ( Franca ) tigir.
Sarah Betzer, Ingres and the Studio: Women, Painting, History. Pennsylvania State University Betzer, Sarah. Ingres and the Studio: Women, Painting, History. Pennsylvania State University Press, 2002. ISBN 978-0-2710-4875-8