Gorée Ewala
Gorée ewala ( francavon Île de Gorée ), tir burkaf debak ke Senegala. Gorée ewala tir tano katcalapafo izvaxo ke tawava nume bak 1978 wetce arayaf debak ke tamavafa gadakiewega ke UNESCO zo bendeyer.
Gorée ewala. Grocelon ice krimta ke Senegala, lente Dakar, Gorée wali XV-eafa decemda isu XX-eafa tiyir telo lozolonafo levetirikafo kazaxo ke afrikafa krimta. Ewala stujeyena gan portugalik az nederlandik az englik az tere francik tir ton kevaxase tadle dem orikafa levetirikafa revava is glabafa mona ke kazasik va levetirik. Gorée ewala re wan tir leca ke ayikafa savera vox dere tumtaxo ta dimnepalera. ~ UNESCO : Gorée ewala (en) The island of Gorée lies off the coast of Senegal, opposite Dakar. From the 15th to the 19th century, it was the largest slave-trading centre on the African coast. Ruled in succession by the Portuguese, Dutch, English and French, its architecture is characterized by the contrast between the grim slave-quarters and the elegant houses of the slave traders. Today it continues to serve as a reminder of human exploitation and as a sanctuary for reconciliation. ~ UNESCO website, licence CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0
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