Biugbol (Procyon lotor)
Biugbol Procyon lotor | |||||||||||||||
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giltafa pulara | |||||||||||||||
Bliind | Animalia | ||||||||||||||
Dansok | Chordata | ||||||||||||||
Volveydansok | Vertebrata | ||||||||||||||
Pula | Mammalia | ||||||||||||||
Volveypula | Theria | ||||||||||||||
Tolvolveypula | Eutheria | ||||||||||||||
Veem | Carnivora | ||||||||||||||
Yasa | Procyonidae | ||||||||||||||
oxi | |||||||||||||||
Procyon | |||||||||||||||
Storr, 1780 | |||||||||||||||
katca | |||||||||||||||
Procyon lotor | |||||||||||||||
Linnaeus, 1758
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Biugbol (Procyon lotor) tir tana moukolafa katca ke Procyon oxi vey Procyonidae yasa ke CARNIVORA veem ( CANIFORMIA volveyveem ). Gan Linnaeus bak 1758 taneon zo pimtayar.
betaraKor ke biugbol vas tel ke rupol vektar, ise va lumeem ke bilotol sodir. Inafa anamkafa taka tir kirafa gu ebeltafa xatcaxa dem iteem ; im sotir aotcaf gu beretraf imolk isu vaynukaf, is abrotcaf is vaf ; ault tir pibaf is vaf dem aftukaf az orikukaf maserk. Kota inia va aluboy divpaklanapaf lubek sodir numen biugbol moe cuga tawovinda iku beno tuzon is dekson gruliziwer.
Koe aala giblir, poke voa ik uzdama ; afizon koe aalbetsava ok pistkroye va int preyutar aze ba miel va rotestuna ruxafa sinka koaneyar. Soye tir blottoraf govitol : va warmoletra is tul is sulemam is enga is wikande is dace xim malestur. Ton zolonackafa lospa giblir ise va adalafu kizoyu. Inafa vepokuca isu blieduca tulon jupayad da nekev ware refa myotafa tcabanera, katca darpeon nendoyewer.
Katcaxo ke biugbol vageu Kanada kal istefa Amerika tigir. Biugbol tir prantaf ise vas rupolam koron vektar. Va mantafa taka is uulaf pezay is anamkaf oblaka-peem is abrotcaf beweem besanaf gu trelaf myot sodir. Kota abdueinia va aluboy rozekapas gelt dir. Bate dre va pilkovafa uzatca gu abdueinieem ke biugbol krister, i va uzatca favlapafa kiren bat dunol va lonadunol ok ara wivginda kan ant « nubeem » trasir. Im tir lukoptamaf isen nideks tid ke blafote ik beretrablakere kare katcolk. Jivotaf seg tir zwaf. Lesay tir besanaf gu adalafa orikafa xatcaxa male bat tcor kale ban reme iteem. Ault tir vaf ise va aluboy bidef maserk dir, i va orikaf maserk keve lukoptackaf ludev.
Abdualbara ke biugbol jadion tir gaara va oceem koe aalbetsava. Wori viele oc toz divlanir ise va vema vestar, pune mo sid konkase roluber oke co bakawer oke kal vask me co rodedimlanir. Bata arpuma soe tid pinafa liedje moo sid liziwer.
Moni tev-saneaf viel, oc va delaf blot toz malestur. Viele oceem va gadikya dositar, pune ina drumeon kalsur ise belon vucon ier. Ba klaa vas mon balemoy aksat, oc zo ulkoyackar.
Ba imwugal biugboloc tumeruptesawer nume va intafo tawavo rotinker. Batcoba va liziwera nekir, jontikviele kal 40 km- mal koblixo. Koe ordafo irubaxo valente Tanarasokeem, for ke biugboleem rotir vas 17 olkik fuxe km².
Biugbol fentugalon tir metegis : koe vask gelber. Va tegira toz kastar viele yanka vas mon -4° tuomawer isen kotviele sazaf gropeem tir wavdaf, pune remi konaka safta meestuson en wan twerier. Ale batcoba me tir geltrafa fentugalura kiren tuviara va omavaf radas bolk me tir isen yanka ke alto me tuomawer. Ba beta lorora, « fentugalus » biugbol va int vere roderojur. Konaktode konak biugbol va mil vask pakad.
Tod zakodafa yanka, bat sulem mielon gitir tegis ise va afizcek koe tawaz ok luva tiskir, i va luva jontikviele kerelena gan tolonga. Aultove is tigira ke batyone gelbe gan tigira ke biugboleem zo nugotud. Aalbetsava nutid inaf abdualbana irubarinda, voxen batcoba gan pokeuca ke lava ok kono pilkovafo torxo me zo turestar. Keskotafa nendara va debak nutir tela dalafa luva. Divatce ke irubaxo ke lan olkik tir gedrapafe ise vas nendareka va vema is dadira va tor dalon rupter. Batinde tulon, seg ke irubaxo ke biugbolye vas 1.6 km² zo stragayad, solve welmot ke tel ke sulemya gitir leon gijaf.
Walikrarugal moi tena ke fentugal tozuwer. Sedme lan sulemopik, moi walikrara biug-bolye is biugbolya va sint griuziad numazen biugbolye va toloya ok baroya biugbolya rowalikrar.
Biugbol gralomenon blis va sinka ko lava giperdoer numen batcoba va katcaf latinavaf yolt ( lotor = tcates ) gotuyur. Lyall-Watson kosmayar da bata tila tir dezurinda va onara. Lantan espud da bata giltira ke gralomen biugbol va keskapa plataesa va malestura nekir.
Biugbol dum ar katcolk ke Procyonidae yasa, va abdueinieem ordaf gu ticumasikany dir. Kaaneyatatason va beza num divtawatason va broza ok kataceteson va raporki ok aytcak, dere faver. Wori pona ke inafa malestusa vertuma dalon tir kum lavedaf sulem. Voxen baxek ke sulemaf tor fuxe inafa varafa sinka rion tir vas 50 %, vaxeon bak rekolama ke ilanacek. Muvugalon, ilt tid vas 80 % ke malestura solve biugbol va ruxafa sinka ( dalon perse voxis konkase irka ) fentugalon gimalestur. Imwugalon, va beza is salmey is ato ke imboza is zveri is libol loplekur. Va awalkoda cwe someestur. Biugbol sorer, takomason is gewayason is aultomason. Ton kalie vas 4km-/b- gruvulter. Skapafa zolonuca ke biugbol tir gijafa gu dolesa vodapa ke myot. Biugbol gu wivga dile zo torigir. Koe Amerika tcabanera va biugbol tir sanepafi uti. Vakol apton zo viklud, ta ebidura va biugbol kaltic aal ik onkara ko lava. Neken acon dapnarison va inafa taka, biugbol va vakol jontiktode lajuwizur. Cot ke biugbol dere zo karolapar.
betara- Veem : Carnivora
- Yasa : Procyonidae
- Lum : abrotce vas 61 ik 100 cm-
- Aldo : 10 - 20 kg- ( cugon 30 kg- )
- Talgeem : 40 talga
- Nazbarugal : Taneaksat ik teveaksat
- Ocagugal : 63 ik 65 viel
- Occek : 1 ik 7 oc
- Ikralukruca : 2 tanda icde biugbolye, vox 1 tanda icde biugbolya
Vexala dem apteem
betaraSedme Mammal Species of the World (siatos ke 2005), bata katca vas 22 apta ruldar :
- Biugbol (Procyon lotor lotor) (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Biugbol (Procyon lotor auspicatus) (Nelson, 1930)
- Biugbol (Procyon lotor elucus) (Bangs, 1898)
- Biugbol (Procyon lotor excelsus) (Nelson and Goldman, 1930)
- Biugbol (Procyon lotor fuscipes) (Mearns, 1914)
- Biugbol (Procyon lotor gloveralleni) (Nelson and Goldman, 1930)
- Biugbol (Procyon lotor grinnelli) (Nelson and Goldman, 1930)
- Biugbol (Procyon lotor hernandezii) (Wagler, 1831)
- Biugbol (Procyon lotor hirtus) (Nelson and Goldman, 1930)
- Biugbol (Procyon lotor incautus) (Nelson, 1930)
- Biugbol (Procyon lotor inesperatus) (Nelson, 1930)
- Biugbol (Procyon lotor insularis) (Merriam, 1898)
- Biugbol (Procyon lotor litoreus) (Nelson and Goldman, 1930)
- Biugbol (Procyon lotor marinus) (Nelson, 1930)
- Biugbol (Procyon lotor maynardi) (Bangs, 1898)
- Biugbol (Procyon lotor megalodous) (Lowery, 1943)
- Biugbol (Procyon lotor pacificus) (Merriam, 1899)
- Biugbol (Procyon lotor pallidus) (Merriam, 1900)
- Biugbol (Procyon lotor psora) (Gray, 1842)
- Biugbol (Procyon lotor pumilus) (Miller, 1911)
- Biugbol (Procyon lotor simus) (Gidley, 1906)
- Biugbol (Procyon lotor vancouverensis) (Nelson and Goldman, 1930)
Pulasa vuestexa is xantaza
- (en) vuest- : Mammal Species of the World (v- 3, 2005) : Procyon lotor (Linnaeus, 1758)
- (en) vuest- : CITES : Procyon lotor
- (en) vuest- : UICN : katca Procyon lotor (Linnaeus, 1758)
- (en, fr) vuest- : ITIS : Procyon lotor (Linnaeus, 1758)
- (en) vuest- : Tree of Life Web Project : Procyon lotor
- (en) vuest- : Catalogue of Life : Procyon lotor (Linnaeus, 1758)
- (en) vuest- : Paleobiology Database : Procyon lotor (Linnaeus, 1758)
- (en) vuest- : Animal Diversity Web : Procyon lotor
- (en) vuest- : NCBI : Procyon lotor
Ara vuestexa
betara- Biugbol (Procyon lotor) dene Wikispecies
Kotavafa vuestesa xantaza
betara- Kotava winugaf moukolaf ravlemak (Kotava, Latinava, 2019)
- Biugbol dene