Interwiki gluyaxa iku Wikidata betara

Kiavá. Va rinyona atalera icde interwiki gluyaxa ke lanyon teliz vofá, stragason da lana « lokeskotafa » nuva tir rontifa kagluyara gu olkoy tigis koe Wikidata. Va bata askirinda gildá.
Voxen re, trakú da icle 70% ke telizeem ixam reduyun dene Incubator xo ( rotir vas 5000 ) va daref nelkot ( #invoke:Interwiki|interwiki|qid=Qxxxx ) malsaved. Tantanafa betara co tir sitapafa. Kas kotorafa askira kan stiernaf talpeyam co me zo roguzekar ?

(en) Hello. I see your changes on the interwiki links of some articles, noting that a "more efficient" method is to link directly to the item in Wikidata. I understand the way to do this.
But currently, I think at least 70% of the articles already created in the Incubator (maybe 5000) use the previous principle ( #invoke:Interwiki|interwiki|qid=Qxxxx ). Changing them one by one would be very tedious. Couldn't we imagine that a script-bot could do it globally?
Nevatovol (prilaxo) 1 anyusteaksat 2020 à 21:40 (UTC)Répondre

@Nevatovol Yeah I realised that. I think there probably is a script but I don't who owns it --Nintendofan885 (prilaxo) 1 anyusteaksat 2020 à 22:02 (UTC)Répondre